From this point up there are still old houses of Brkan, Vlajčić, and Tadić families. The end of the village was marked by the Mandica Tadić inn. The village has seen an influx of several new families: Parlov, Vlajčić, Vučković, Todorić, Raić, Kraljević, Protrka, Papić, and Klemić in the recent years.
Staro Rišćansko Selo
Od ove točke tu su se održale kuće Brkan, Vlajčić i Tadić familije. Kraj sela je dugo godina bila Mandice Tadić gostionica. Tu su se doselile nove familije: Parlov, Vlajčić, Vučković, Todorić, Raić, Kraljević, Protrka, Papić i Klemić u novijoj povjesti.